
Design your own Pneumatic Conveying System for small

Design your own Pneumatic Conveying System for small entrepreneur

Dear Friends,
Design your own Pneumatic Conveying System. As a small entrepreneur, you’ve always got your work cut out for you and the budget might be just the tip of the iceberg.
While you’re grasping at straws to make your automation plan work. you don’t have to think twice after you check out our solutions for solids handling processes.

Your goal is to automate your solid handling process plant like the big advanced industries but you can’t work out a proper plan from the get-go & feel constrained in your limited knowledge or experience in the industry. We are here to help with our tool which is so much inclusive of all the requirements and procedures while being as simple as possible to be user-friendly so that automating your plant will become a piece of cake and you may even compete with the top dogs in your field while being in the budget for the cutting-edge system due to cost-efficient planning.

This article contains the following points:

  • Direction to use our tool
  • Understanding what output data means one by one
  • Printing the datasheet
  • Unavoidable situations
  • Important safety instruction

Directions to use our tool

First, click on the following link Pneumatic Conveying System which will redirect to the below page.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

On this page click on the button, “Design Your Own System”.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

Our tool will pop up on your screen.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

Now scroll down inside the tool where you will find two types of systems:

System 1 – Positive Pressure Pneumatic Conveying System

System 2 – Negative pressure Pneumatic Conveying System

Select the system that is relevant to you.

(Note: Flexible piping and Fixed Piping are interchangeable.)


VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

Let’s assume, you want to feed wheat inside a flour mill. Your requirement for the operation is that you want to feed around 200 kg of wheat every hour in the mill. Wheat is heaped at a distance of 10 meters from the mill. The height of the feeding point is 5 meters above the ground. You will need a negative pressure system to collect wheat from the stockpile. All these data will be filled out in the tool followingly and then click on the “Submit” button.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

You will get the following result in the Output.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system



VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

You will need a pipe with a total length of 15 meters. The diameter of the pipe should be 80mm.


VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

You will need a blower with the following specification:

  • Blower flow capacity should be around 542 m3/hour (approximately 550 m3/hour).
  • The blower should generate more than 300 mm WC pressure.
  • The blower will require a 1.5 HP motor to operate.


VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

You will need a cyclone with the following dimensions:

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

You can buy all of this equipment from the open market, the scrap dealer, or you can fabricate it yourself if you have the resources and the manpower.


You can take a printout of the entire datasheet by clicking on print and it will look like the following image.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system
VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

If you want to use the tool for a different combination, you can just change the values inside the input or refresh the page and follow the same procedure as before and click on submit. Which will show you the output according to your new values.


Since the tool is designed for small entrepreneurs, it has certain limitations. If you try to enter values higher than mentioned ahead, you will get an error message.

VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system
VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system
VG Engineers free tool for pneumatic conveying system

You can click on reset to enter new values within a specified range or you can click on contact us if you absolutely need a product with values higher than the specified range and we will give you a free quotation for your entire system from the beginning to end according to your requirements. If you have any kinds of restrictions such as budget, space, or time limit, we can even suggest a different type of conveying system that satisfies your needs. Please do not forget to leave feedback, it helps improve our services and check out the other types of products we provide.


While it is inspirational to start your own business, you should not forget to read our terms and conditions for your own safety. As you will be manufacturing your own system, we are not liable for any kind of mishaps and failures in your project. We strongly advise taking guidance from us or anyone else with proper knowledge and experience if you are new to the industry or feel even a little bit unsure about any aspect of your project. We hope that you make your decisions wisely.

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